I'll tell you who else is planning for prom. It seems senior communities all over the country are hosting second-chance shindigs for older adults, with guests arriving in everything from dazzling formal wear to Hawaiian leis, depending on the theme.*
Arthur Rathburn, 68, and his wife, Ursula, 74, regularly attend a free intergenerational "Senior Prom' at the Madison Senior Center, in Wisconsin.
They dance with guest of all ages, including students from a nearby university.
And a prom in Orange County, California, combines fundraising with fun, the proceeds going to the local Meals on Wheels. As last year's prom king, Forrest Lunsway, 98, says, "I like to dance. It keeps me going".
Oh, and have you heard about this 90 year old prom date???: Read about it here!
We say "what better way to attend Prom. Have it your way, with your own friends, on your terms, in your own time. No teachers, no policies, no rules! Wooohooo! Let's party."
*-excerpted from AARP May&June2010 "Prom Night Goes Old School" by Audrey Goodson
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what's on your pretty mind, prom girl?