Does that make me judgmental?
Perhaps, but I have my standards.
I am looking forward to the Miss Universe Pageant tonite. I think these are the women who will represent my gender, not only in the U.S., but the entire universe. Sheesh, what pressure.
According to event organizers, the Miss Universe contest is more than a beauty pageant: women aspiring to become Miss Universe must be intelligent, well-mannered, and cultured. Often a candidate has lost because she did not have a good answer during the question responses rounds; although this section of competition has held less importance during recent pageants than it did in the twentieth century. Delegates also participate in swimsuit and evening gown competitions.
My question is this: if you had a daughter, and she wanted to be a beauty queen, how would you prepare her for that experience?
Which makes me think of the topic I really want to talk about.
Was Cleopatra, one of the most powerful women in history, really beautiful?
Certain artifacts imply that Cleopatra may have looked a little ‘witchy’, having a not-so-puggish snoz. Other sculptures show her as handsome, but plain, which is most reasonable, given that marble carving during those days, offered no color and very little texture, except for the hair.
As a young girl of only 19, she was already respected by the most powerful warriors of the time. Many philosophers agree that her charisma and power was a result of the attention paid to her education.
Home schooled by instructors, priests and philosophers, she was an accomplished public speaker, so her knowledge of the politics of her country gave her automatic leadership status. She was an accomplished musician and artist, and spoke 6 languages. Her love of learning led her to discover the great literary works of the ancient world. In fact, she and her lover Caesar visited the famous Alexandria Library everyday, and after Caesar’s death, Marc Antony actually gave her an entire library as a wedding present.
Most people know of her as a seductress, yet she also wrote books on medicine, charms and cosmetics, in addition to many other books ascribed to her which are known to those who practice medicine. Cleopatra was known to use her own mixtures of ingredients to adorn herself, a self-taught makeup artist.
Cleopatra created a recipe for a hair loss treatment and even studied gynecology. There is reason to believe she conducted experiments to determine development stages of the human fetus in the womb.
Yes, I look forward to the Gown Competition, the beautiful textures of fabric flowing on sleek bodies, But, like it or not, I will be holding up my version of beauty against the contestants tonight. I will be rooting for the one who has the right ‘right stuff’.
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what's on your pretty mind, prom girl?