Apr 17, 2012

How I Won the Biggest Loser

First off, let me just say...

No, I 'm not on TV, nor am I a celebrity. But here, in my little town, our community center hosted its own version of Biggest Loser.  And I won!

Here's how I did it.
It started in January. And since one of my New Year's resolutions was (once again) to LOSE SOME WEIGHT, I signed up.

Well, for the first week, I went to the gym as usual. And the second week, I went on a low-fat diet. And by the third week, I found out I had gained one pound !! By then, I was feeling pretty pathetic.

Well, I figured out, that if I kept that up, I'd weigh an additional 5 pounds by the end of the program, so I did something I'd never done before and that was to sign on to Jillian Michaels' Online Fitness Program, I mean, she created the whole biggest loser concept, so she must be the expert, right? And I knew I REALLY NEEDED HELP!!! I was surprised to find it was only $4.00 per week.

First thing, she had me do was complete a food survey, which asked me what I normally eat. It was hard to admit to some of the foods I love, but the results from the survey astonished me. I learned something I never knew before. You know when you go on a diet, and you're hungry all the time? 

That was me.  Which is....

Why I Need a Customized Food Plan

Dieting just made me hungry and that's why I never lost weight dieting. And I normally gain weight dieting!  

Well, I found out something about the way my body metabolizes food.  I found out that I digest my food quickly and that's why I feel hungry all the time.  So instead of being hungry all the time, Jillian, being an expert in fat-loss and all, created a food plan just for people like me, and now I'm not hungry all the time and that was my key to staying on the plan. 

Not only did I get my personal food plan each day in my email inbox, full of all the yummy healthy foods I love, but she also gave me the recipes and the ingredients and how to prepare each item on the menu. But that's not all!

Why I used to cheat on my Food Log

In the past, if I ate more than a 'serving' I would only log in what I was supposed to have eaten. So my food log always looked good but I kept getting fatter. I mean, who are you really cheating when you cheat on your portions?

On Jillian Michaels' plan, keeping track of over-eating was a breeze; if you follow your personal menu, it will automatically calculate your calories for you!!!! If you eat more than your allotment for the meal, you will instantly see how much you have gone overboard!!! So it was easier to follow her plan than to have to starve yourself for the next meal!
Bottom Line

And I lost 18 pounds  and 21 inches,  in just three months.  It may not sound like a lot, but if you lose 18 pounds every three months, you will have lost a total of 72 pounds in a year!  Well, lucky for me, I don't need to lose that much, but if I did, this would be the way I would do it. Why?  Because it fits me, and it's something I know I can do.  

And I like succeeding at something like weight loss! Doesn't it feel great to achieve a goal that makes you look and feel better about yourself? If you have some weight to lose, I do hope you check her site out and see how possible (no, it won't be easy, but it will be possible), it is to finally shed those extra pounds!

Keep an eye out for my upcoming articles about health and fitness and weight loss! I am excited to share them with you, prom girls!

Burn Fat Fast: How Jillian's online program will help you burn fat faster

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what's on your pretty mind, prom girl?